3-4-31 Tsutsujigaoka, Miyagino-ku, Sendai city, Miyagi 983-0852 Japan

Important notice
  • At our hotel, we have prepared a disinfecting liquid to prevent any further infection of the new corona virus. We insist all guests in using this during your stay provided at the lobby.
    Please be informed that our hotel staff will be working with a mask on for prevention.

Message from hotel

We offer clean and comfortable rooms at reasonable rates.
Enjoy warm-hearted Japanese service and a pleasant stay at our modern hotels.

Message from hotel

We offer clean and comfortable rooms at reasonable rates.
Enjoy warm-hearted Japanese service and a pleasant stay at our modern hotels.

Hotel Information

Address 3-4-31 Tsutsujigaoka, Miyagino-ku, Sendai city, Miyagi 983-0852 Japan
Check-in Time:16:00
Check-out Time:10:00
Breakfast Buffet(FREE)
Service Hours:06:30 - 09:00
Tel/Fax TEL:+81-(0)022-256-1045
Payment Methods
(On-site payment)
Credit Cards
(Online credit card payment)



Access from the station (train)
7 min walk from Sendai station East Exit on JR
Access from the airport
60 min by car from Sendai Airport
Access from interchange (car)
20 min from Tohoku Expressway Sendai-miyagi exit


4spots available First-come-first-served basis
¥1000/1 Night (For after hours: ¥200/1h)

Information from the hotel

Certified for ISO9001:2008 registration 6 Divisions of Head Office 242 Hotels OMOTENASHI Japan service quality